With Mental Health Awareness Week coming to a close, we’ve put together a mental health strategy plan, personalised to our facilities at Lonsdale Gate for our tenants.
After a tough year for us all, it is more important now than ever to take care of yourself: mentally and physically. With mental health being an ever-present topic, we felt it was time to see what we could do to make our tenants feel comfortable combatting and expressing their difficulties with their mental health.
First of all, we pride ourselves on having an approachable, welcoming reception team. Take a seat in our warm reception area and have a chat. Sometimes taking 5, or even just having a quick rant, can be such an emotional release and help ease your mind.
Fancy some time alone? We also have a breakout area stocked with reading materials to fully immerse yourself in.
Another thing we suggest is to take advantage of our private gym facilities. Our 24/7, 1-2 person capacity gym facilities mean you have the privacy to work out on your own terms. Exercise can seem a little daunting sometimes, but the benefits definitely outweigh the negatives. “Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”[1] If you’re stuck on what to do, our reception team are glad to advise on workout regimes.
Finally, If you’re keen on catching some fresh air, our close proximity to green areas such as Calverley Grounds and Tunbridge Wells Common are ideal for a scenic stroll to let off some steam. Another alternative is Dunorlan Park which is an extra mile’s walk from the centre.
[1] https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/exercise-health-benefits/